Home Study Services
Home studies are often a requirement during the adoption process. Golden Pathways can assist you during the adoption process by completing comprehensive home studies.
Our Services
Mental Health Assessments
Individual Therapy
Group Therapy
Family Therapy
Home Studies
Safety Training
Anger Management Assessments
Commonly Treated Disorders
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Conduct Disorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Anxiety / Panic
Bipolar Disorder
Abuse / Trauma
Adjustment Disorders
Supervised Visitation
Court ordered supervised visitations are often ordered for several reasons. Golden Pathways provides families with professional supervisors to ensure quality child(ren), parent visits.
Safety Training
Does your organization employ staff that completes home visits? Home visits can be intimidating. Proper training can put your staff at ease about meeting with individuals in their homes. Golden Pathways provides safety training to small and large organizations.
Now accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicaid, Medicare and Private Pay.
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Now accepting Anger Management Group session enrollments

"Providing tools to help pave a pathway to happiness."